Dr. MartĂ­n Abadi
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
Taiwan, China
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  • 2019
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
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  • 2019
  • Energy and Resource Engineering (E.R.E)
Election Remark
Dr. Yang’s research interest focuses on functional electronic devices (solar cells, thin film transistors, light emitting devices) which hold promise for cost effective applications.

The research is a comprehensive system involving rational design of materials (organic semiconductors, hybrid perovskites, inorganic nanomaterials), the control of film morphology, crystal growth, fundamental understanding of electrical properties of the new materials and structures, understanding of nanoscale structure-property relationship, control and understanding of interface s in devices (organic/organic, organic metal etc.), new device architecture development etc.   

He was elected as member of the Euorpean Academy of Engineering in 2019.

The Carol and Lawrence E. Tannas Jr. Endowed Chair in Engineering, July 2011
Top Hot Researcher in 2010, Science Watch, 2010
Highest-Cited Paper, Advanced Functional Materials, 2010
Highest-Cited Paper, Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), 2008-2010
IEEE Photovoltaic Expert, 2009.